Tag Archives: exhibitionism

for stories involving people baring themselves for someone else to see

Would You Could You… In a Hot Tub?

An adults-only convention held in the privacy of a hotel fully rented out for duration of the convention, Lush Leche was – for that long weekend – the premier place to be for adult lovers of breast milk. Excited to … Continue reading

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Lines and… Boobs!

On a red-eye flight to a lactation conference and convention, Dr. Perkums was about ready to catch some shut-eye when a woman dressed smartly in a business suit and carrying a tote bag carry-on luggage suddenly sat herself next to … Continue reading

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Milky Matinee

Originally, Milky Matinee was supposed to be a ‘Quick Drink’ sort of story – a once in a lifetime here today and gone tomorrow sort of short story – but it didn’t quite happen that way. Hope you enjoy the … Continue reading


Breastfeeding Beach Babe – Part 2

This is the second and final installment of Breastfeeding Beach Babe. If you missed the first installment and want to see the buildup to this second installment, you may read it HERE. Hope you enjoy! 😉 Once Meredith and Jonathan … Continue reading


Breastfeeding Beach Babe – Part 1

“You sure about this, honey?” Jonathan asked one last time as he turned off the ignition to the car and turned to face his wife. “Oh, I’m positive about this! No backing out – especially now that we’re here, right?” … Continue reading

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