Tag Archives: nursing bra

for stories where there is a focus on the nursing bra

Dr. Santa Wants His Milky Baby

Though Dr. Perkums was always hungry for breastmilk, he always found himself hungrier than usual during the winter months when most of his breastfeeding partners were out of town visiting families and friends. He could usually manage, but this year, … Continue reading

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Lines and… Boobs!

On a red-eye flight to a lactation conference and convention, Dr. Perkums was about ready to catch some shut-eye when a woman dressed smartly in a business suit and carrying a tote bag carry-on luggage suddenly sat herself next to … Continue reading

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Milky Matinee

Originally, Milky Matinee was supposed to be a ‘Quick Drink’ sort of story – a once in a lifetime here today and gone tomorrow sort of short story – but it didn’t quite happen that way. Hope you enjoy the … Continue reading


Veronica’s Not-So-Secret

One of the things that Veronica loved best about being in-milk was how… sensual it made her feel. From the added fullness to her breasts to the enlargement, darkening, and added sensitivity of her teats, she had never felt herself … Continue reading

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Accidental Advertising

It was just another day at work when Joseph saw them – the most perfect pair of tits in the world. Sarah was her name and she was a new-hire who had the cubicle across the aisle from him. A … Continue reading

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