Tag Archives: masturbation

for stories involving masturbation

Lines and… Boobs!

On a red-eye flight to a lactation conference and convention, Dr. Perkums was about ready to catch some shut-eye when a woman dressed smartly in a business suit and carrying a tote bag carry-on luggage suddenly sat herself next to … Continue reading

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Breaktime Breastfeeding

I’ve been immensely busy of late so I haven’t had a chance to make any published updates until now. Breaktime Breastfeeding – like Milky Matinee – was supposed to be another ‘quickie’ and just like Milky Matinee, became more of … Continue reading

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A New Year for Nursing

After his incredibly satisfying and altogether too erotic nursing session with Kumiko who had a pair of the most enormously enlarged areolas of anyone he had ever seen, Dr. Perkums was bound and determined that he would get a similar … Continue reading

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Nursing in the New Year

Dressed in black slacks and a nice button-down shirt, Dr. Perkums knocked on one of his neighbor’s doors. When the door opened, he smiled and said, “My name is Dr. Perkums and I’m one of your neighbors. I was wondering… … Continue reading

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Accidental Advertising

It was just another day at work when Joseph saw them – the most perfect pair of tits in the world. Sarah was her name and she was a new-hire who had the cubicle across the aisle from him. A … Continue reading

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