Something to Drink?

[images] Ready, Aim, SQUIRT!

It’s flippin’ HOT over where I’m at and I’m sure a lot of you are boiling where you’re at, too, so… why not have a nice spray of… breast milk to help cool everything down?

milk filled breasts, big dark areolas, and milk squirting from a nipple

Hopefully, once I get over being too danged hot, I’ll have a little something else written up. But until then…

Cool yourself down with fresh milk squirting straight out of from this lovely lady’s milky tits! Wouldn’t it be a shame to let it all go to waste? 😉


What a Milker Wants, What a Milker Needs

Dr. Perkums was awoken from a sound sleep at five in the morning by the sound of his doorbell being rung most insistently. Rubbing the sleep out of his eyes, he went to see who was at the door and was surprised to find a woman he didn’t know standing on his doorstep.

The first thing he noticed was that the woman was red-eyed and crying and looked like she had been crying for quite some time. The second thing he noticed was that the blouse she was wearing looked uncomfortably tight. The third thing he noticed was that she was wearing a short wraparound skirt.

Before he could say anything, though, the woman immediately spoke up.

“Oh Dr. Perkums, my name is Ashley and I’m so sorry to bother you so early in the morning, but I’m so glad you’re home!”

Surprised at the woman’s sudden exclaimed greeting, Dr. Perkums shook his head a little. “And I am glad I could be here for you this morning, Ashley,” he greeted back. “How may I help you?”

“Oh Dr. Perkums,” the woman cried out, “I’ve been having some trouble and my friend Melissa said you you might be able to help me out!”

At the mention of Melissa – his primary nursing partner and secretary at his lactation specialty clinic – Dr. Perkums’ eyes widened and all thoughts of sleep were promptly forgotten. “Is that so?” he asked, trying not to stare at his visitor’s chest lest he was misunderstanding her request for help.

“Oh please, Dr. Perkums! Just look -!” Lower lip trembling, Ashley unbuttoned her blouse and revealed a pair of too-big milk-engorged breasts encased in a too-small nursing bra.

With Ashley thrusting out her tits at him, there was no way to misinterpret her meaning and Dr. Perkums took a good long look. “Ahhh I see! Well, Ashley, I think I know just how to make this… problem of yours go away.”

“Ohhh Dr. Perkums! Would you?”

Dr. Perkums smiled and opened his door wider. “Please, Ashley. Cum on in.”

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[images] More Tittylicious Teats

While I was going through my collection of inspirational images, I came across this one which (from, I believe) definitely should have gone into the first Tittylicious Teats post.

a jumbo sized pair of teats all dusky and dark

On the other hand, these teats are seriously something else. I don’t know about anyone else, but I just can’t keep my eyes away from them as they’re so perfectly huge and so perfectly round and oh-so-very dark!

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[images] Tittylicious Teats

It’s been a little while since I’ve posted anything because I’ve been so busy taking care of other things so I thought I would share two gems of inspirational images as a precursor for some upcoming content.

For the first, I present:

titties swollen with milk and crowned by darkened and greatly enlarged teats with thick distended nipples all ready for a good nursing

Though the overall picture is just delicious to look at, the first thing I would like to point out is the size, shape, and color of those absolutely mouthwatering teats.

All dark and dusky and greatly enlarged with the nipples already erect and jutting out, they are just waiting for a hungry mouth to latch-on and begin gulping down the milk that would surely gush from their tips.

With their size being as they are and with the nipples being so thick and elongated as they are, I can’t help but wonder if this lactating lady is in an adult nursing and breastfeeding relationship with a lucky partner.

Whatever the case is, these milk-filled titties are just absolutely mouthwatering and I’m happy that she looks so well-nursed from.

For the second, I present:

milk engorged breasts capped by large, dark, bumpy areolas

There’s something a little extra special about this pair of wonderfully milk-swollen tits and it’s in the teats!

If you look at the areolas, you’ll notice that they’re bumpy. These bumps are attached to what are called Montogomery glands and these glands apparently secrete both a lubricating agent and a scent that increases the appeal of the milk-filled breast to a potential nursling.

Looking at how enlarged her areolas are and how ready her erect nipples look for a latch-on, I’m thinking that these swollen beauties are going to be nursed from very shortly and I can only imagine the streams and gushes of milk that will follow a letdown.

That said, Voyeurweb is an awesome place to find delicious pictures of milk-filled boobs (and boobs in general) and many of my favorite pictures have come from there.

More to cum next post!

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A New Year for Nursing

After his incredibly satisfying and altogether too erotic nursing session with Kumiko who had a pair of the most enormously enlarged areolas of anyone he had ever seen, Dr. Perkums was bound and determined that he would get a similar head start on the new year with all of the other women whom he had nursed from in the past.

Sitting in his office at eight in the morning, he reviewed the files of all of his patients and after taking down a few notes, he opened one of his desk drawers and pulled out a box of x-rated greeting cards that he had printed out on black card stock a few days earlier. ‘Welcome to a New Year’ was embossed on the front in gold calligraphic lettering and on the inside was a high resolution picture of a pair of milk-engorged breasts leaking milk from the nipples with the milk spelling out the words ‘full of milk!’

After pulling out another box of greeting card envelopes and retrieving a booklet of stamps, he started to pen his messages to his patients and former patients.

Dear Melissa,

Even though I’ll be seeing you before you get this card, I just wanted to let you know that I can hardly wait for our first nursing session of the year.

I’m going to pull you into my lap and I’m going to take the time to massage your tits all over with my hands until they’re full of all the milk they can hold and carry. When they’re full to the point of bursting with your dark and swollen teats jutting straight out at me, I’m going to latch on good and strong and give them the expert suckling that they’ll be begging for.

That said, since you enjoy having your breasts being overfull with milk and since I enjoy nursing from your breasts at any and every given opportunity, why don’t we try moving back to a two hour feeding schedule?

I know it can be inconvenient at times, but I would be willing to make myself available to nurse you whenever you want – even if it means overnight stays to ensure we stay on schedule throughout the night – so long as I can have regular access to you and your milk.

Wouldn’t that be a great way to bring in the new year? With more milk?

Let me know what you think!

Yours in milk and more,
Dr. Perkums

Signing the card with a smile, Dr. Perkums set the finished card aside and reached for another one.

Thinking about the mysterious stranger who had showed up so unexpectedly in his clinic earlier in the week…

Dear Mystery Milker,

I’ll have a milkless New Year’s… without you!
My balls get so blue just thinking… about you!
Oh how swollen your tits! And so heavily veined!
So dark and enlarged the teats I got to see!

And when I remember the nursing…
I can’t help but remember the feeling…
My mouth full of your teat… suckling greedily…
But now isn’t then; what a blue New Year’s!

Thinking of you, your milkers, and their milk,
Dr. Perkums

“I hope she enjoyed that nursing session at least as much as I did!” Dr. Perkums murmured as he signed the card. “I think she did considering she experienced orgasm twice – once per breast I nursed from.”

Thinking of orgasms, he picked up another card and started to write once again.

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