It was just another day at work when Joseph saw them – the most perfect pair of tits in the world.
Sarah was her name and she was a new-hire who had the cubicle across the aisle from him. A long-haired brunette and conservative in her attire and makeup choices, Sarah was a bit of a plain-Jane in terms of appearance at first glance.
On Friday night – the end of her first week of employment, Joseph got his second glance… on accident when he glanced up from a whitepaper he was typing up on his laptop at the side unit of his desk.
Stretching in her chair, Sarah had taken off her blazer which left her wearing only her cream colored blouse. Tight in all the right places, the blouse revealed a curvy figure and a more than ample bosom of the D-cup plus variety.
When Sarah turned around in her stretching, he was stunned to see that the front of her blouse was stained with two very large wet circles and looking closer revealed a pair of almost equally large dark circles hidden beneath the soaked fabric.
Joseph was no fool, but even more than that… he was a breast man and a milk man and he knew without a doubt that Sarah was lactating.
The very knowledge thrilled him and his cock couldn’t help but respond and he soon had a major tent pitched in his slacks.
When Sarah started unbuttoning her blouse, he could hardly believe his eyes. Was it possible that she didn’t realize that he hadn’t gone home yet for the evening and was getting an eyeful? Did she not realize that their workplace had security cameras all over the place?
Either way, she either didn’t notice or didn’t care and proceeded to remove her blouse after unbuttoning it and Joseph nearly gasped when an industrial strength nursing bra – strained at its straps and front-hook closure from the fullness of her milk-laden breasts – came into view.
Despite the distance between them, he could clearly see that the nursing bra – like her blouse – was thoroughly soaked through with milk and accordingly, he could see even clearer the outline of dark nipples and areolas hidden beneath them.
“Please take off the nursing bra – oh PLEASE take off the bra!” he whispered to himself as he couldn’t help but stare at the marvelous sight before him.
As if hearing his plea, Sarah unfastened the front hooks that kept her nursing bra closed and within moments, her breasts sprang free of their confinement and Joseph was treated to a view of the most perfect pair of tits ever.
Very milk-engorged and beyond the DD size, Sarah’s bouncing milky mammaries were full and firm and heavily veined and the very dark and very large teats with their thick and distended nipples practically advertised to anyone and everyone that they were more than ready to be nursed from.

In other words – WHAT a pair of milkers and what luck to be able to see them in their bare and naked glory!
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