Even though she had fully agreed – even begged! – to be put on a ‘treatment’ schedule to bring her milk in as fast as possible, Melissa couldn’t help but have a moment of doubt in regards to the schedule actually being kept and the commitment needed.
An extended nursing session once every two hours? Twelve times a day? Nonstop? Never forgetting? Never oversleeping? Always waking up on time? For a whole week? A whole two weeks?
The minute Melissa stepped foot into Dr. Perkums’ house, however…
“Melissa honey, welcome to my home!” Dr. Perkums greeted as he stepped in with his new housemate. “Now that we’re here, we can get started on your induced lactation plan. Like I said at the office, we’ll be on a once-every-two-hours nursing schedule.” Glancing at his watch, he added, “And seeing as how it is nine – two hours after seven – it is time for us to nurse.”
“I-it is?”
“It sure is!” Licking his lips and with a smile on his face, Dr. Perkums gestured towards the stairs. “Please cum this way.”