Something to Drink?

Finding Inspiration

Seeing as how I finally have put up the Inspiration page, I think it’s time (and a perfect excuse) to sit down and elaborate on a statement that I made when writing the page.

The statement I made was this:

Sure, erotic lactation is a hot topic all on its own, but… even with something as niche as erotic lactation, there’s still room for a little extra something-something (which I talk more about in THIS post) which gives a little extra spice.

So… yeah.

About that something-something.

To me, it makes no sense to be blogging and writing stories based on a topic that doesn’t really interest me. For this reason, my media collection and the contents of this website all have a focus on the various aspects of erotic lactation (and the resulting erotic nursing interaction) that pique my interest the most.

Like I mentioned in a previous post, I think that one of the most appealing things about a lactating woman is how the appearance of her breasts changes in response to her in-milk status.

A woman’s breasts can certainly be naturally round, firm, heavily veined, and capped by dark and large teats (nipples and areolas)… but a woman’s breasts that are producing milk will almost certainly reflect these characteristics. To take it a step further, a woman’s breasts that are being regularly nursed from may also have a different appearance as well.

In light of this, a picture of a woman with normal-looking breasts labeled with “In Milk” will therefore provoke a different response from me than an unlabeled picture of a woman showcasing a pair of blue-veined breasts full of milk whose teats are darkened and very visibly enlarged and whose nipples are elongated and thickened from having been nursed from regularly.

Related to this is the appeal of erotic nursing. With breasts as attractive as the ones described, it only makes sense to have characters who get caught up in the attraction and end up not only engaging in loads of breast play but also engaging in erotic nursing/adult nursing relationships which frequently – owing to how pleasurable an erotic nursing relationship is for all parties involved – culminate in orgasms resulting from solo or shared sexual trysts.

To help these erotic nursing scenarios along comes the topic of breast fullness from being in-milk and all of the possible consequences that can occur as a result of it. From swollen-to-engorged breasts to leaking and squirting nipples to milk-stained shirts to desperate pumping sessions to urgent – and often surprise – nursing sessions, the possibilities are endless.

Going hand in hand is the opposite topic of experiencing a deep hunger for breast milk and a desire to nurse this milk from a pair of milk-swollen breasts. Dr. Perkums’ absolute obsession with erotic lactation and erotic nursing makes him my leading milk man and it is his obsession which not only prompts him to actively seek out erotic lactation and erotic nursing possibilities but also prompts him to give all of the lactating women in his life the best and most satisfying and fulfilling erotic nursing sessions ever. After all, the more satisfied the women are, the more likely he’ll get future chances to nurse as the women will then think fondly of him when it’s time for their milk to be emptied from their breasts.

There are more specifics besides the ones I just listed, but for the purpose of this post, the ones I highlighted are enough for me to make my concluding statement.

It isn’t necessarily the contents of the media itself which is the most inspirational. Rather, it is the oftentimes the suggestion of possibilities that adds that spicy something-something that makes the content inspirational.

To illustrate, here is one of my favorite images featuring an erotic nursing session:

a pair of milk-filled breasts capped with darkened and enlarged teats being nursed by a man who is hungry for their milk

One of the first things to notice is how the man in the picture is attached to the woman’s breast. The position and shape of his mouth, how much of the teat is in his mouth, and the position and shape of his left hand squeezing the breast all suggest a proper latch-on. This realization makes it clear that the couple are engaged in an actual nursing session. A point of intrigue, then, is in the question of, “For how long?”

If you look at the woman’s breasts, you can see that they are swollen and that the teats are enlarged and darkened. In seeing just HOW big her teats are – though the man’s mouth is correctly latched on, he still can’t get all of her areola into his mouth! – there is the suggestion and possibility that the couple has been engaged in an adult nursing relationship for some time. Barring that, the woman’s breasts have probably seen regular nursing sessions in general for some time.

Though the picture itself is highly erotic on its own as is, it is the suggestion and possibility of a behind-the-scenes story which gives the picture a little special something-something.

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Nursing in the New Year

Dressed in black slacks and a nice button-down shirt, Dr. Perkums knocked on one of his neighbor’s doors.

When the door opened, he smiled and said, “My name is Dr. Perkums and I’m one of your neighbors. I was wondering… since it’s New Year’s Eve tonight and we’re both alone… Could I cum in and keep you company for the evening?”


Kumiko could only stare for a moment as the man in the doorway introduced himself. Who did he say he was? Dr. Perkums? Somehow, though she was new to the area and wasn’t quite familiar with all the places much less the people, he both looked and sounded familiar. Had she seen his name somewhere? Heard it from someone maybe? And where had she seen him? Probably wandering around the shared property, right?

Either way, he looked neither threatening nor crazy and her basic gut instinct told her that it would be fine to let him join her for New Year’s Eve and so that was what she decided to do.

“Sure!” she agreed, returning his smile. “No sense in spending New Year’s Eve alone, is there?” Stepping aside, she gestured for the doctor to step in. “Please, come on in. We can watch the ball drop on television if you want.”

Dr. Perkums laughed in agreement and stepped in. When the door closed behind him, he followed Kumiko to her living room where she had the channel tuned to the ball dropping in Times Squares in New York.

Settling into the couch, the two chit chatted about this, that, and the other and as the new year loomed closer and closer…

During a commercial break, Kumiko glanced up at the clock on the living room wall and decided that it would be a good time to excuse herself. “You know, it’s almost time. How about I – go get the champagne so we can toast to the new year?”

Besides getting the champagne, there was another matter she needed to take care of and that was the steadily growing fullness in her milk-filled breasts. Owing to the bounty of her milk supply despite the fact that she wasn’t regularly nursing anybody anymore, her breasts still needed to be emptied fairly regularly every three to four hours or so.

Right now, they were full to the point of engorgement and though she knew she wouldn’t be able to fully empty her mammaries before the ball dropped for New Year’s, she could at least get the emptying started. Thinking about the dual action breast pump she had in her bedroom, she couldn’t help but squirm a little bit – both in discomfort and in anticipation.

At the mention of champagne, Dr. Perkums smiled to himself. He had noticed… a few things about his hostess during the time that they had been talking and he had heard the pause in her sentence. It was now or never. “Kumiko,” he began, lowering his voice to a more intimate tone, “I have a better idea than champagne. How about… some milk? To welcome in the new year?” Glancing down at Kumiko’s chest, he arched his eyebrows suggestively at her milk-swollen mounds.

“M-milk?” Kumiko repeated, flushing a bit red with embarrassment and surprise. Did the doctor know she had milk? How had he known? Had she leaked right through her nursing pads and bra again?

“Milk,” Dr. Perkums repeated, unable to quite tear his eyes away from the massive rack less than a foot away from him. “Milk is healthier than champagne, don’t you agree? And it seems like we might be able to help each other out while at it.”

“But we’re already helping each other out by keeping each other company here on New Year’s Eve!” Kumiko protested.

“And I can help you some more by nursing from you,” Dr. Perkums said persuasively and matter-of-factly. “I know you’ve been uncomfortable all night and because I am a lactation specialist, I know that it’s because your breasts are overfull with milk.”

“Th-that’s true, but I have a breast pump,” Kumiko protested further.

“And a mouth works better than a breast pump – especially when your breasts are as full as they are now,” Dr. Perkums added.

“You don’t need to concern yourself with my problems, Dr. Perkums,” Kumiko protested again, feeling her nipples prick a little at the thought of the doctor nursing from her. “Especially since it’s my fault for not excusing myself and emptying them sooner.”

Dr. Perkums smiled some more and shook his head. “Ohhh, trust me, Kumiko. As long as you’re willing, it would be no trouble at all for me.” Looking Kumiko in the eyes, he admitted, “You see… I’m a breast man and a milk man. I absolutely love the taste of breast milk and even more than that, I love nursing from a woman’s breast and it would be both a pleasure and an honor to nurse your milk from you.”

“I-I don’t know…” Kumiko murmured softly as she blushed, fidgeting a bit as she toyed with the hem of her blouse.

Of all things she had expected, to have a milk man like Dr. Perkums in her living room and asking to suckle the milk out of her swollen breasts was not one of them. Though she wasn’t adverse to the idea of nursing him in the least – in fact, she was getting rather excited at the prospect, his perception and observational skills had caught her by surprise.

“I promise you nothing but pleasure,” Dr. Perkums reassured. “Having your milk nursed out of you by a milk-hungry mouth intent on suckling and pleasuring you is unlike anything else you will ever experience. Will you let me at least try just this once?” Spreading his legs a bit, Dr. Perkums made no effort to hide the enormous bulge that had formed in his pants.

Glancing down at the tent caused by the doctor’s raging erection, Kumiko found herself getting wet and slippery at the idea of the milk-hungry doctor nursing her milk from her breasts. It had been too long since she had felt the suctioning pull of a hungry mouth emptying her breasts and the breasts pumps and her hands could only do such much given how bountiful her milk supply had gotten.

“O-okay,” she finally agreed with a smile. “Let’s try.”

Dr. Perkums beamed, delighted at her answer. “Shall we begin now before the clock strikes midnight?”

Kumiko nodded.

“Then let’s get ready.”

Dr. Perkums stood up and grabbed one of the largely oversized pillows from the couch and placed it on the floor in front of Kumiko. Seeing her questioning look, he said, “The best position to nurse when you’re sitting down is for me to be kneeling in front of you as it gives me perfect access to your breasts.”

At the word ‘breasts’, he reached out and undid the buttons on her blouse. When her enormous tits cradled in a lacy white nursing bra popped free, he allowed himself a quiet whimper of desire.

“They’re really big,” Kumiko whispered, feeling both embarrassed and aroused all at the same time. “Maybe too big?”

“Nonsense,” Dr. Perkums breathed as he reached out with his hands to fondle the massive mounds. Smiling up at Kumiko, he started to kiss her bare skin while he squeezed and massaged.

“Th-they’re really really full…” Kumiko murmured, squirming a bit as the doctor kissed the shapes of her breasts while his thumbs rasped over the hidden peaks of her nipples.

“And leaking,” Dr. Perkums crooned as he licked at the lace-covered points. “I’ll bet you gush like a geyser when you letdown… am I right?”

“I-I sometimes do,” Kumiko admitted, blushing some more and laughing.

“I hope you do when I nurse you,” Dr. Perkums smiled as he swirled his tongue over the peaks. “There’s nothing I like more than feeling the gush of milk during a letdown. Speaking of letdown… let’s get rid of this bra…” Giving the full and heavy firmness of her breasts an encouraging squeeze, he undid the hooks of her bra.

Milk-filled breasts popping free with an almost violence bounce, Kumiko blushed madly. What would the doctor think about her enormous areolas and her nipples that auto-dripped milk?

a pair of enormous milk-filled breasts capped by a pair of equally enormous areolas

She got her answer almost immediately.

“Ohhh Kumiko! You have such beautiful areolas! Look at how dark and enlarged they are and look at how your milk just auto-drips! Even if I didn’t know you had milk before, just looking at your areolas now tells me everything I ever wanted to know!”

At the doctor’s excited exclamation, Kumiko smiled. “You like them, then, Dr. Perkums? You don’t think they’re too big?”

Dr. Perkums groaned as he stared at the sight before him. “They ARE big, but that’s what makes them so perfect!”

Without waiting for an answer, he opened his mouth and eagerly started teasing at the enormous circles with warm swipes of his tongue. Swirling his tongue around and around each of the teats like he would lick an ice cream cone, he could feel the nipples begin to pebble into hardness and the areolas start to swell, wrinkle, and tighten. When the taste of milk drip-drip-dripping out of the nipples and the sound of her breathless whimpers became too much to bear, he stopped his teasing and glanced up at Kumiko.

“Honey, make no mistake – your areolas are so big – huge, even! – that I won’t be able to fully latch on…”

“… Oh.” Kumiko said, trying not to feel disappointed while trying to calm the spike of arousal caused by all the nipple play.

“But that doesn’t mean I can’t nurse from you because that’s exactly what I’m going to do right now!” Dr. Perkums smiled and with a mischievous wink, he gave her enormous areolas a wet kiss each.

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New Year’s Related News

As 2011 reaches its end, I look forward to welcoming in the new 2012 year with some website fixes and some new content.

To give an idea on some of the technical things being worked on:

– Inspiration Page (image gallery)
– Stories Page (where it’s nothing but stories)
– Link Directory Page (links out and links in)
– Storefront Page (to buy copies of my written works)
– and a few behind-the-scenes things you may not notice

That said, if things go weird around the site for the next week or so, please don’t be alarmed.

Moving on to the topic of new content…

Owing to how busy I normally am, I’m actually surprised that I have managed to keep this site fairly regularly updated with new reading material. In hopes of continuing this trend, I’ll be bringing in the new year with an especially milky New Year’s story so watch for it! 😉

Speaking of which…

As a writer, I appreciate feedback whether it’s good or bad (constructive feedback is always useful!) so if you can spare a few moments to drop me a line, it would really make my day/night. 🙂

Related to that, I have a feeling that this site has been getting some regular visitors (besides myself!) for a little while now and though I don’t know who you are (and you don’t know me, either!), I wanted to say thank you.

It’s fun to write these stories for my own amusement and entertainment, but if someone else is getting off on sexy milky goodness, then all the better!

And with that, I’ll call it a night/day and wish everyone a:

Happy New Year’s!

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Areolas of Agony

Dr. Perkums was haunted – haunted by visions of a pair of the most awe-inspiring and latch-on worthy areolas and nipples he had ever seen in his entire career as an induced lactation specialist and in all of his erotic nursing expertise.

After catching a glimpse of one of his neighbors – Kumiko was it? – on his way out from his apartment flat earlier in the morning, he couldn’t stop thinking of what he had seen.

Dressed in a cute plunge-necked top, very busty Kumiko had been washing the dishes when it seemed like she was starting to feel uncomfortable. Abandoning the dishes, she had started squeezing the mounds of her very large breasts and from the look on her face, she had been enjoying herself. And then, as he couldn’t help but watch, she had pulled down the neckline of her top.

Gasping in amazement, his cock had gone from semi-soft to wholly hard as he had watched one of her breasts pop out from her top.

a screenshot of an enormous areola with a drop of milk on the nipple

Swollen and heavy with milk, her enormous breast had hung out pendulously from her top while her nipple had auto-dripped milk and the areola -! WHAT an areola!

The literal enormity of the areola was astounding and in all of his experience, he had seldom seen areolas quite as big as hers. Definitely bigger than what his mouth could fit, he could only imagine what it might feel like to try and latch on to an areola like hers.

And then her top had come off and with it, her bra, and then she had turned around and… well.

a screenshot of a pair of enormous milk-filled boobs capped with a pair of equally enormous areolas that auto-drip milk

Ohhh what milkers! OHHH -what- areolas!

It had driven him nearly insensate with lust to see those magnificent milk-filled breasts of hers with their enormously enlarged and beautifully darkened areolas not even fifty feet away from him… but unfortunately for him, work had called and so with great reluctance, he had been forced to head back to his clinic.

Now that the day was drawing to a close and work was mostly over with, he found himself thinking back to what he had seen earlier in the morning.

Glancing at the calendar on the wall, he smiled to himself and stood up from his chair. New Year’s Eve was fast approaching and what better way to bring in the new year than by bringing in… milk?

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Surprise Nursing Session

Every so often and owing to his reputation as being both the area’s leading expert on induced lactation and resident milk man, Dr. Perkums would get a surprise visit from one of the local lactating ladies whom he had never seen before.

Today was one of those days.

He was in his office updating some of his patients’ files when his secretary knocked on his door. “Dr. Perkums?” she called. “Someone’s here to see you!”

“A patient?” Dr. Perkums called back.

“A visitor who asked if she could see you if you’re not busy?”

Dr. Perkums look surprised. “Go ahead and send her in!”

When his door opened and his visitor stepped in, he couldn’t help but stare.

There, standing right in front of his eyes, was a woman who was clearly lactating and whose lactating status had caused large wet circles to stain the front of her white nursing top.

The woman laughed at his reaction and thrusted out her chest some more.

“I heard you’re a milk man, Dr. Perkums,” she said with a smile, “so if you’re thirsty, I have some milk for you.”

Dr. Perkums stared some more. Had he heard right? His visitor – someone he didn’t even know – was offering her milk to him? “Wh-who are you? Do I know you?”

The woman laughed some more. “You don’t know me, but you know one of my girlfriends,” she said mysteriously. “She’s the one who told me how much you loved to drink her milk,” she added with a flirtatious wink.

“And you’re willing to let me nurse from you?” Dr. Perkums asked, not quite believing his good fortune.

“You’d actually be a big help if you would,” she admitted with a grin as she pulled open the nursing flap on her top to bare her nursing bra-covered breasts. “You see, my friend was supposed to nurse from me almost an hour ago and empty out my tits, but our plans got waylaid. Since I was in the area, she suggested that I stop by your clinic and see if I could get you to nurse me instead.”

At the sight of the nursing bra-covered breasts, Dr. Perkums gave a quiet groan and licked his lips. “Ohhh I see! I’d be more than happy to help you out, then, if that is the case.”

“You would? Oh that would be fantastic!” Beaming, the woman didn’t bother to undo the flaps on her nursing bra. Instead, she simply tugged her bra up and off.

With her pale milk-filled breasts proudly on display, she walked towards the doctor.

Dr. Perkums didn’t bother to hide his moan of pleasure.

“Ohhh what beautiful milkers you have!” he gasped as his eyes feasted on the sight before him.

a pair of heavily veined milkers whose darkened teats are capped with thick and nicely distended nipples

The woman’s breasts -rounded and swollen – were very clearly full of milk. Owing to the paleness of her skin, the heavy veining running along her milky mounds was more than visible. And the teats – ohhh what teats! Darkened and enlarged, the circles of her puffy areolas were capped by a pair of even darker colored nipples that were thick and elongated and –

“Utterly PERFECT for nursing!” Dr. Perkums exclaimed. “Oh please! Cum sit on my lap and let me nurse these titties of yours dry!”

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